Wednesday, 20 June 2012


Most instructors meet non-native speakers of English in their classes. Although native speakers of English also have problems with writing but the problems of non-native speakers' can be quite different, and the approach taken by the instructor needs to be different as well. Some services are available on campus to help non-native speakers, but the majority of the improvement will need to come from explanation made by the instructor. Although values must remain the same for native and non-native speakers, the instructor may need to change the approach of teaching for the non-native speaker.

 Generally, instructors find non-native speakers' papers overwhelming because there are several issues that need to be addressed. It is sometimes difficult to determine if the student is simply a weak writer. Most teachers say that they take the following approaches with their students.

In class write more on the board, it will help non native speaker to understand better and will strengthen what has been discussed in class. 
Make sure the assignments sheet gives a direction guideline. non native speakers depend on printed materials rather then listening.
Try to focus more on the content rather then grammar at first, so you can determine what else need to be work on.

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